Providing a safe, secure and healthy workplace is a concern for all organizations.  Company’s becoming increasingly aware of their responsibility to maintain an adequate environment for their employees, vendors, and customers.

APS assists in the evaluation and administration of Health & Safety issues by:

  • Evaluating working conditions
  • Assiting with appropriate organization and storage of Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Developing Wellness Programs
  • Analyzing facilities safety and security
  • Developing policies and procedures addressing illegal substances, harassment, workplace violence, etc.
  • Providing resources for appropriate recordkeeping compliance
  • Assisting with Emergency Planning and Continuity of Operations planning

Workplace Safety & Health procedures in workplaces are instituted for a variety of reasons.  Accidents cost employers money in disability and liability claims insurance premium increases, the cost to train replacement workers, etc.  Avoid these costly issues by CONTACTING APS to evaluation your current Safety & Health procedures and evaluate your future needs.